

Allergy-Free Quinoa Fruit Salad

We have a special treat today! 
Amanda from Amanda Louise is sharing a recipe with us.


Hello Everyone! I'm really excited to be guest blogging today on Visibly Moved and thrilled that I can share this recipe with you all. I've been eating vegetarian for the last four years and was vegan for most of that.  When Erin and I met we bonded over our eating habits and would often discuss how to navigate situations like going out to restaurants and work meetings/events with the incentive that lunch is provided (pizza). When Erin asked me to share a vegan recipe  I wanted to find something healthy, easy, and summary.  I put this dish together recently after I made a bunch of quinoa and had some fruit that was about to go bad.  There is nothing better than summer berries, but for some reason I often let them sit longer than they should and have to through them out.  This salad allowed me to use them all and have delicious lunch for the next couple of days. 

ingredients -
1 cup quinoa uncooked
1 banana
1/2 cup blueberries
6 strawberries
1 green apple
Juice of 1 lemon
walnuts (exclude if you are allergic)
1/2 cup mint leaves

Directions - 
Cook quinoa according to the directions on the box.  I usually put two cups of water for every 1 cup of quinoa in a pot and bring it to a boil.  Then I let it simmer for about 20 minutes to let it absorb all the water. 
While your quinoa is cooking cut up your banana, apple and strawberries and put them in a bowl along with the blueberries.  Then squeeze half of the lemon on your fruit.  This helps them remain fresh and not get brown if you plan of eating this the next day.
If you are making this all for the night of add all the mind leaves.  If you plan to have this the next day wait to put the mint leaves on till you are eating it.  I learned from experience that they get soggy overnight.
When your quinoa is done add it to the fruit and mix it all up. 
Add the juice of the other half of the lemon.
Chill for about 20 minutes and enjoy!

Serves 4-6 depending on portions.

See a refreshing way to use mint here.
See more Allergy-Free goodness here.

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